The tuition model at St. Timothy’s is designed to make the school accessible for as wide a range of families as possible while still enabling an educational program committed to excellence. The cost of providing an education at St. Timothy’s is funded by parents of children enrolled in the school and community supporters through donations and fundraising efforts. Families unable to pay their full tuition can consider an application for tuition assistance (see below).
As St. Timothy Classical Academy Society is recognized as a registered charity by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the school is able to issue charitable donation receipts for financial gifts to the Academy. The CRA deems that families whose children attend St. Timothy’s derive some benefit and a charitable receipt cannot be provided for the cost of this benefit. However, tuition that a family pays above this cost can be receipted as a charitable donation. The portion of a family’s tuition that can be receipted as a charitable donation can be significant and means that the after-tax cost of an education at St. Timothy’s can be less than the full tuition amount.
St. Timothy's, as an educational institution, is allowed to issue "Childcare Expense" receipts. When an educational institution provides supervision time before and after classes or during the lunch period, a portion of the tuition may qualify as childcare expenses. This receipt may be used for tax purposes, if applicable.
Employer-paid tuition applies to families who have their tuition paid by their employer. This rate is calculated to cover the full education cost without any subsidy from donations to the school. No charitable receipt can be issued for employer-paid tuition and tuition assistance is not available to families with employer-paid tuition.
Assistance is given at the discretion of the school’s Board and is based primarily on a confidential and objective online tool called FAST, as well as the availability of tuition assistance, which comes primarily from the tuition paid by other families in the school. Families are expected to explore support from other individuals/organizations before seeking assistance from the school. A minimum of 20% of the base tuition rate per child must be paid by your family or an outside source. The request for tuition assistance is made on the Tuition Information section of the application form. You will be contacted by the school’s Bookkeeper once your application has been received. The Board and the Bookkeeper will keep all financial information confidential.
TUITION RATES 2025-2026:
Tuition for families with at least one child in grades 1-8 (family-paid) or
one child in senior kindergarten only.