Two Great Treasures
High in a picturesque mountain range, with a commanding view of a beautiful valley, we see a man huffing and puffing as he climbs up, up...
The Halls of St Timothy's
This Advent, the halls of St. Timothy’s sound a little different on Thursdays, lovingly dubbed by some students as “music day”. On normal...
Under My Roof
by Rachel Bloomquist Grade 1 teacher and senior lower grades teacher Backyard Birds, Robert Bateman, 1944 (age 14) What’s been happening...
The Courage of the Spartans
Monthly virtue talk given to the St. Timothy's students on April 29, 2020, during daily (Zoom) chapel, by Rev. Luke Thompson (St....
Touching the Transcendentals: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Art
(Excerpts from a keynote speech given by Kirsten Appleyard, Curator at the National Gallery of Canada, at the Starry Night Gala, November...
One Myth and Two Truths: Nurturing Competent Communicators
Our staff enjoyed a two-day writing seminar with Andrew at the end of the summer. In addition, he gave a special presentation to parents...
Wisdom Begins with Wonder
You all know that a classical education will teach you how to do things well. That’s why you’re here. But you don’t have to go to a...
How Can Teachers Bring Truth, Beauty, and Goodness into the Classroom?
“Moderns love techniques!” This was how Martin Cothran, the keynote speaker at the classical education conference, opened the first of...
The Music of Orpheus: How Beauty Will Save the World
The early Greeks had little idea of the One God of the Hebrews, and lived too early in history to know of the Trinitarian God of the...
The Importance of Words in Light of the WORD
Excerpts from a talk given by Dr. Jenny Small, Christian Schools Canada Conference, September 2018 In 1947, with the backdrop of a world...